Sunday, January 18, 2015

Man Up

Man Up.  That's the new name I've given my post because I've noised it's time for us guys to Man Up.  It's  been too long since the world has heard from men who are ready to "man up" treat their women with respect, be leaders and stop listening to what the world says we should be.

Okay, I just finished watching the most incredible comeback (almost) in playoff history as my Seahawks beat the GB Packers in the NFC Championship Game.  We had lots of guests in our house screaming and dancing like there's no tomorrow.

That was fun!  But, to eliminate stress I gotta ask you guys; did you help your wife clean the house before all the gusts arrived?  Did you help shop for the food?  How about help prep the food? Or clean up?????

If your answer is "no" to one or more of the above then it's time to "Man Up" and remember it's not about you!  This is a time to honor your wife and have a good playoff party.

You can do better.  Don't expect her to do it all so you can have your buddies over.  This is much bigger than that.  Honor your wife and she will respect you.  Nothing is better than that.

Now, about the refs in these games...please!  No one is buying a ticket to watch you throw flags!!  It's not about YOU!!!  Football is a contact sport...please don't ruin it.

The Seahawks comeback was truly a once in a lifetime event; enjoy Seattle!

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